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Sunday 27 November 2011

FanFiction and Why It Should No Longer Be A Taboo

Fanfiction is a word that when uttered outside of online is feared.
It turns you in a second from a fan to an uber obsessed fool, friends suddenly look at you like.
‘Are you crazy!?’ ‘YOU DO WHAT?’ ‘THAT’S JUST WIERD.’
I am an avid fanfiction writer, I have written fanfiction for everything fromPotter to Star Trek to Jurassic Park, heck as I sit and watch a film if I’m really into it I start writing a fanfic in my head.  I love it.
Theres lots of wierd myths about fanfiction knocking about on the internet, so lets get a few things clear first. is the best fanfcition site I have found, pretty much every blogging site you can think of will probably have fanfiction on it somewhere, it’s everywhere on the internet.
First and foremost, fanfiction is not for crazy people, crazy lonely isolated people. Ok maybe it is, but fanfiction can be quite an enjoyable experience.
Fanfiction is not just about making characters suddenly become homosexuals and all start bonking each other. Niether is it just about making other people bonk your favourite character. Fanfiction can be and is something more then that. For example; In the wide world of the Harry Potter fandom not a lot is known about The Marauders time at Hogwarts, or about say Fred and George, so more often then not fanfiction will focus on characters we don’t know much about speculating what they did in their lives. The trials and trubulations they lived through the loves and deaths they experienced.
Fanfiction is also a great tool I feel for writers, for people who want to become writers. Like people who start out in the theatre direccting other peoples plays or helping to direct them, like people who rewrite fairytales. Fanfiction allows a writer to create plot and storylines, allows them to write regularly without having to build every block of their world.
Writers don’t need to build every floor of a spaceship or a hospital inside their mind, this is because it is already there for us. It means a writer can start creating their novels and take a welcome break from creating every interesting minor detail to get their teeth into some plot and character for a while.
It’s a brilliant and fun tool, that can be used by anyone. Like any writing there is good fanfiction and bad fanfiction, even those which focus on mainly sex can be the best fanfiction you’ve ever read, or it can be the worst.
Fanfiction should also be very flattering to authors and creators of these worlds, if I ever manage to get my work into the wide, wide world, I sincerely hope that I have fans who take the time and effort too write fanfiction. It should be flattering, your work as soon as you put it out there is open to interpretation. Many people will see each characters differently, and if people take the time to write about your worlds, if they love your world enought to do that.Authors should be very flattered and happy.
Anyway, Fanfiction is worth a read, it can be interesting and fun experience go try it, no ones asking you to read some freaky story about Wolverine and Beast deciding to suddenly get down to the nitty gritty, but you could read a nice one about how Fred and George Weasley once set fire to McGonagalls hair and nearly killed Mrs Norris.

Ugly Duckling Out xx

Wow well...

I moved thi blog over to my wordpress one believing my word press one would serve me better, I would get more readers and it would in fact encourage me to write a lot more on my blog.
No such luck really. So I'm coming back here =)
I'm going to start posting from here again, I can't pormise to post everyday but I'll try to post when I can in the mean time I'll bring some of my articles from wordpress over here =)

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Please read Below

Okie dokie so I've aquired a new phone and decided to move to wordpress as I've been told its more user friendly. So I do apologise but now you'll be able to find me and follow me here at my new blog.

Thank you all for reading and ensure you continue looking at my new blog :)

Ugly Duckling Out xx

Tuesday 24 May 2011

A Review of The Taker by Alma Katsu.

The Taker by Alma Katsu.

The Taker is a minty fresh breath of air in a world so dominated at the moment by a tween culture hooked on Twilight.
When I first picked up the book in ASDA, I admit I judged it, I read the back saw the words immortals and thought, oh no another product of the vampire craze that's going on. A craze I'm not a fan off, I like my vampires like Mitchell on Being Human except maybe less Human. Now however I'm misleading you because this is a book far from vampires, this is about humanity.
This is Lanny's story, after she arrives in the E.R one cold night, Lanny begins to tell Luke a tale of love reminiscent of that from Wuthering Heights.
The book begins by leading straight into action that tickles every part of your curious being, I fail to see how anyone can not read at least the first few pages and not want to know more, not want to know who Lanny is, where she has come from, what led to her to being in that ER.