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Thursday 24 February 2011


Ok so going back on the pledge I made yesterday i decided I'm going to write something everyday, whether or not it follows on from the day before doesn't really matter to be fair. :)
So heres todays installment, let me know what you think in the comments section;

'That's not the way it works dectective and you know that.' She giggled down the phone, the moaning noise in the background was making the detective agitated making him want to find this vile creature even more. He'd had to turn this seriel killer into a real monster their couldn't be a motive or a mystery, it had to just be because otherwise he may start to empathise with her.
'I gave you a clue I told you where I was, how I got here and I even gave you the good grace to almost give you the answer. Now do me the good grace of finding me out. Your the Batman to my Joker detective you see without you I don't exist snd without me; well without me you don't exist either.' Than she hung up.
Detective Mills stood for 5 minutes going over the conversation in his head, he didn't want to play her sick games, he didn't want to be any part of this fantastical experience she was going through. He wanted to stop people getting killed.

The woman stood with her back to the victim, the victim being a young man; an interesting young man who had taken it upon himself to make several peoples lives hell, including the detective she had just been talking to. She had pre planned this down to a tee, she had decked out the whole place in a kind of shrink wrap so their would be no evidence of anything that happened here other then the video tape, it all took a few hours nothing more.
An hour to edit the video so, that when the detective found and played the video it would be only of the victim in question dying slowly, while an invisible assailant killed them. Roughly half an hour to ensure she removed the wrapping took it to somewhere abandoned and burnt it. The best thing about everything she did was the fact their was no evidence. It would take the detective pure skill to figure out who she was and catch her. That she supposed was part of the thrill.

She had an array of tools to torture her victim with, all which she made herself, all which were disposable, plastic sharpened to the point that it could be mistaken for a real knifes edge or a real surgical scapel, wooden stakes and other sharpened objects a favourite would be arrows, glass and ice were also favourites of this killer, to her it didn't matter; sometimes She killed them sometimes she merely scarred them be it mentally or physically, several of her victims were in mental institutions and some were at the bottom of the river, it was just the way she operated and now, now this quivering man before her could not be more afraid.

She'd drugged him to ensure he was easier to move; she lifted and dragged him onto a wheel on the floor, this would be a fun one. She tied his arms then his legs so he looked like a star on the wheel. then she hoisted the wheel up, so the man was almost standing, apart from his feet never touched the floor.

She waited.

'Eurgh' he moved groggily he was waking finally it had taken him long enough, then he realised he was tied and bound.
'What the hell, let me down you crazy bitch, what the fuck is this shit.' he shouted.
'Now now, we may have to censor this for all the boys and girls at home, remember your not supposed to swear before the water shed.' She smirked.
'what the fuck, this isn't funny now let me down.' he said
'Nope' She smiled.
She sat down and stroked a wooden bow and arrow, this came everywhere with her the arrows were always disposed of correctly but this this always stayed with her and she often wondered if it would be her downfall.
She stood lazily and fired two arrows just an inch away from either side of his head, the victim started screaming and protesting even more. That wasn't what she wanted though she wanted him real scared, so so scared.
This had to be quick, so this clearly wouldn't be as much fun as actually slaughtering him but still justice needed to be done. She smiled to herself and merely fired another arrow this time a little closer. She could see the sweat forming on his face, that face that was turning white as it suddenly dawned on him that maybe this wasn't a scare tactic.
'NO swearing before the watershed.' She smiled again and this time she threw one of her plastic tools, it cut through the fat in his arm and pinned it place, the skin began to tear as it couldn't support the weight of the rest of the arm.
The man screamed in agony and then whimpered a little.
'Now you can swear' She smiled. She looked down at her victims pants they were soaked througgh with fresh stinking piss, and tears ran down his fat face, she licked a tear and made a little noise of delight.
Then with one swift movement she pulled the knife out of his arm and slit his throat like an animal she spun him upside down and bled him dry, when the blood bucket was full she threw the blood in the river, filled the bucket with stones and threw that in to. She left the body as it was; it was a fun fair after all, she gathered up her tools and their accesories, she drove them out to the woods and burned them all, when there was nothing but ash left she mixed it in with the soil and when everything looked as it should be she left. She smiled as she left and put the edited movie on table she had been sat at.

By the time detective Mills figured out that the next victim would be killed at a carnival the victim was already dead and no trace of a murder was around except of course the body.
the detective thought he recognized the body, he was sure he'd been to school with the boy.....

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Curosity Killed The Cat

Hi again,
I wrote this story a while ago and I'm hoping to start it up again maybe just update it a little each day to keep my creative juices flowing so to speak because I don't often write on my bigger projects which is a shame. This I'm hoping will therefore help me to get into a routine of writing regulary.

When I first started writing this I plotted the teeth out of it, I had an amazing muse, who didn't know he was a muse and never actually spoke to me but yeah I had a brilliant muse and he just dissappeared into nothingness and the whole story lost it's spark for me but I'm hoping I can make something of it so heres the first installment.

Chapter 1

'Can you tell us what's happened officer?' A man with a camera round his neck asked.
It was like Kyla had only suddenly woken up to the commotion around her, there were journalist, police officers, nosy members of the public all pushing there way towards the toilets on the station.
Kyla could have turned and walked away, but, she didn't instead she walked towards the scene, knowing she was small enough she weaved between the mass of people wanting to see what all the commotion was about, she was sure she had been in those deserted station toilets only moments ago, she was so sure of it but for some reason her head was all fuzzy.
She was surprised how quickly she weaved through the crowd as no matter how loudly she shouted no one seemed to take any notice of her or move out of the way, she figured it was because they were more interested in what had gone on.
As she pushed on she began to hit the crime scene itself, first she saw a foot, it was a girl, she knew this because those shoes were from Sandi's, she had a pair just like them.
Kyla doubled back, she felt sick, the victim, who everyone was talking about, the person who was causing all this commotion was the spitting image of herself, only it wasn't her, it couldn't be.
Three large parallel score lines crossed her chest the clothes, the same clothes Kyla had on were blood soaked, her throat looked like someone had taken a cheese wire to it as there was a long thin line where blood had poured from and soaked the clothes beneath it. Kyla's mind raced as she stared down at the blood soaked picture before her. She couldn't remember anything, not where she was before she had 'woken up' outside and pushed her way through. She had to ask someone what was happening, 'Excuse me sir,' she cried 'excuse me.' But no matter how loudly she shouted nobody heard even when she slapped the surly policeman he didn't flinch.
It couldn't be her, she couldn't be dead, surely she would remember. Maybe this was some awful nightmare and she would wake up soon, that was it she would wake up soon.
She turned to see a film crew behind her, they must be with the news, they were filming a short stout man in a large mac, microphone in his hand, he began to speak.
'Tonight's scene has caused disturbance among this small town and its people it is said that the victim of this terrible crime was Miss Kyla Swanson, aged 25, police are searching for any......'

Tuesday 22 February 2011

The Misery Clowns

Hi there,

hope everyones having a nice day.
So heres a little something I made a while back, I had a good idea for this series called The Misery Clowns, heros and villains type comic book thing, the trouble is I can't draw. This is when I found, while you can't really create your own characters and the like and you have to work with what you have, it's a brilliant little tool that can be used to your advantage.

So here was the first installment that I created.

Let me know what you think on the comment section.

The Comic Book Method of Coping

Ok so, on the bus journey home from Uni I realised that, today I had to deal with some shit, some mere ordinay annoyances, others big honking piles of hoarse crap.
It seems everytime I have to deal with these annoyances I venture into an interest part of my brain, a method of coping which I like to call 'The Comic Book Method'.
Basically when presented with an annoying situation take for example the man today who sparked up at the back of the bus, as I stood to remove myself fom his smoky environment he shouted 'Stuck up bitch it's only a cig'
My reply 'Theres a reason there are no smoking signs all over the bus dickhead .'
I mean really, I'm going to get myself into trouble someday it seems something just takes over my brain and instead of seeing the world as it is it becomes the colourful pages of a graphic novel and as I wander down the stairs wondering whether the man will pursue, my brain wanders over colourful pages as the glossy leather coated somewhat superhuman version of myself pulls out a samuri sword and cuts the end of his lit cigerette; as it rolls to my feet, I stamp it out and the man in front of me pulls a gun out, as he fires I dive and swerve the bullets and stick the samuri swod through his cocky little gut. As I Turn to walk away wiping the blood on the bus seat I say to the wide eyed startled children watching scared 'Smoking Kills'.
Of course none of this happens and by the time I've finished day dreaming the man has left the bus and I'm sat watching the world go by music in my ears.

The same goes fo any situation, the annoying idots who feel their music must simply be heard, or the idiots that decide to target you because your different.
I don't cause trouble but I will stand up for myself.
The 'Comic Book Method' is for me a way of killing the annoying things without actually resorting to violence :) give it a try :)

Ugly Duckling Out

Monday 21 February 2011


This is my film review of the new Pegg and Frost collaberation Paul.

If your a bit of a geek like me, then you will love this film, even if your not a geek you'll still love it.
Paul tells the story of two sci-fi nerds, whose ufo dreams become a reality in the form of Paul; a small, green, rude and straight talking alien who crash landed in American in the 50's. Paul pays homage to a lot of science fiction films, programmes.
The film opens with Paul crash landing his spaceship on a dog; this we come to learn is how he got his nickname, we then follow Clive (Frost) and Graeme (Pegg) as they begin their road trip around the American UFO hotspots, there are countless references to other sci-fi films whether they are intentional or not, Jayne Lynch is the beehived lady behind the cafe counter; a possible reference to mars attacks, and Clive and Graeme soon find themselves in hot water with two rednecks. As they flee a car crashes in front of them, this my friends is where we meet Paul.
Paul looks like a stereotypical alien and it soon becomes apparent that the story is his image has been fed down over the years into poular culture;this is why we would recognize him as an alien, there is even a flashback to him helping out Speilberg with close encounters, but Paul is no ordinary alien, he's rude and crude, one of his first lines being.....

Graeme Willy: Are you gonna probe us?
Paul: *Why* does everyone always assume that? What am I doing? Am I harvesting farts? How much can I learn from an ass?

it's revealed Paul has been hanging around Area 51 for over 60 years, but now the government know everything about him they want to harvest him and find out how he uses his special powers; which include; healing, a sort of mind melding thing and turning invisible when he holds his breath.
All Paul now wants to do is get home but they are being pursued by FBI agents, meaning the group become fugatives.
On their journey to get him home they come across various characters who provide more of the comedy that we are used to from the Pegg and Frost duo. The characters include; Ruth a bible bashing, darwin hating redneck who is freed from the constraints of her goody two shoed life and now starts to rebel. Tara the young girl who looked after Paul when he crashed his spaceship and now 60 years later is a pot smoking recluse. Jake and Gus the two redneck guys who believed that CLive and Graeme were gay and want revenge for the damage done to their truck and agents Haggard and O'riley two bumbling FBI agents who slack off play hide and seek and one of them is a big comic book geek. Than of course there is the mysterious intelligent FBI agent who is chasing the team across America and the voice of his superior the big guy; a voie that sounds to familiar.... later revealed to be Sigourney Weaver. All of course charactures often seen throughout the sci-fi genre.

I won't ruin the ending for those who want to see it, but this is definatley a top form film, a thrilling chase and a loveable ending just like we saw in Shaun, in fact even better (for me at least because I hate zombies :) ). The characters are believable and loveable and when the lights come up at the end of the film your left feeling a little dissappointed that you have to return to real life. Paul will surely be in the hearts of many a sci-fi fan for the rest of our days, with little references to various shows and my particular favourite being the bar scene where the band are playing the exact same tune thats played in star wars, when we first meet Han Solo.

Ode To Crumpets :)

A Poem By Moi :)

An Ode To Crumpets

Hot buttery crumpets simply,

are no good for me.

They make my tummy big and round,

and clog up my artery.

They'll Make me have a heart attack,

with all there buttery goodness.

and they seem to make my fingers,

a terrible buttery mess.

But how i love my crumpets,

I simply can't resist!

So with my crumpets butter and toaster,

I'll continue this little trist.

I wrote this a while ago and every time I read it I imagine one of the Monty python gang reading it in a certain style, like in meaning of life when they have all the little random things, anyway I remebered this, this morning when me and my boyfriend were indeed eating hot buttery crumpets, because sunday is our fat day :) Were on the Peter Butterfield diet (OJ) hahaha. Seriously they were nice crumpets though.

Ugly Duckling Out

New Beginnings and all that...

OK so sadly my other blog is no more, it wa full of random ramblings, as I'm sure this blog will soon be, however now I'm at university maybe it will be a little less ranting and a little more film reviews :)
I suppose I should mention my good friend Caitlin who inspired me to start writing my blog again and actually learn how to tweet and make use of my twitter account :) I Just started following Simon Pegg *getsalittletoexcited* ... so as homage to her you'll find her blog here, it's very good for book reviews and the like, shes quite a bit more hmmmm, how would you put it articulate then me. :) So head on for a look around there.

So maybe I should introdce myself in this first post, tell you a bit about me and my life.

I'm Ugly Duckling, or Laura to my close friends but hey this is the internet right? I can be anyone I like on here I could be the terminator for anyone would know, but I rather like that name it gives the impression I'll blossom into a swan some day, theres always hope. Anyway I'm 20 going on about 45 (soon to be 21 this year), I'm extreamley passionate about the things I believe in and always stand up for my rights and the like, films are pretty much my life, I love them, watching them, making them, writing them. Everything to do with it, everywhere I go I view it as a potentional place for this or that to happen in a film. That's why I'm currently studying film and media studies at university.
I can go off on massive rants which I'm sure will occasionally find there way onto here, please forgive any grammar and punctuation mistakes to theyare not my strongest point.
I hope to use this blog as a kind of release for my daily tensions, but also as a way to help out anyone else who needs it, I'm not amazing on the advice front but if you need someone to listen or someone to talk to abou anything maybe I can help so drop me a comment. (I hoping this page may get a little busier then justthe odd one visitor).

So I don't really know whatelse to say apart from maybe I'll post tomorrow.

Ugly Duckling Out