Alan Rickman will forever be loved by me, that in unquestionable, he's an amazing actor and was in many regards the first person I fell in love with at the tender age of 8/9.
I mean really I challenge anyone not to love him.
Anywho Mr Rickman aside, I have two new found loves.
First off I want to say something about Guy Henry who is just divine he's wonderful, he's tall and dark and handsome and such a lovely man and I've rather fallen in love with him since about January. For now though it is not him I want to talk about.
What I want to talk about is Holby City, In particular The Swede and The Teddy Bear (as I like to call them).
This is where the two face element comes in, oh how it would be heaven with these two, I would have the two sides of the coin that I love so much.
Like Two-Face in Batman
On the one side he has the light on the other he has the dark, in my case it would be Dr Sacha Levy and Henrick Hanssenn.
I mean really I challenge anyone not to love him.
Anywho Mr Rickman aside, I have two new found loves.
First off I want to say something about Guy Henry who is just divine he's wonderful, he's tall and dark and handsome and such a lovely man and I've rather fallen in love with him since about January. For now though it is not him I want to talk about.
What I want to talk about is Holby City, In particular The Swede and The Teddy Bear (as I like to call them).
This is where the two face element comes in, oh how it would be heaven with these two, I would have the two sides of the coin that I love so much.
Like Two-Face in Batman
On the one side he has the light on the other he has the dark, in my case it would be Dr Sacha Levy and Henrick Hanssenn.