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Thursday 31 March 2011

30 Day Challenges: Day 17...

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 17: Favourite Comic-Book: The Jokers Asylum. 

The Jokers Asylum is a book full of stories about other Batman villains in the first addition it's poison Ivy, the joker the penguin the scarecrow and two face and maybe more. It's amazing though. the way it's set out and the illustrations are really quite good. I particularly love the scarecrows tale, that one is really interesting the scarecrow reeks revenge on these teenagers who are being horrible to this girl.

 30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 17: Best Movie Seen In The Last Year: Paul. 

Already reviewed this. Such a brilliant film though.

Wednesday 30 March 2011


I like many of you out there am not an only child. I am however the oldest and being the oldest comes with the burden of setting the bar, being the one the other siblings can turn to. This for obvious reasons has its ups and its downs.

When me and my brother were younger we had quite a good relationship, we did a lot together and I used to play out with his friends more then my own. Then he got older and became a knuckle dragging neanderthal. Thats a little to harsh maybe, he's very intelligent my brother, he has a rather brilliant business brain, its not so much he's an actual caveman, hell with his friend he's the life and soul of the party but when it comes to me, all I get are grunts and simple words.

30 Day Challenges: Day 16

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 16: The Last Movie You Saw In Theatres.
I wish the last film I saw was Submarine or Sucker Punch. Unfortuneatley I didn't get to go to the cinema. I've already reviewed the film so I won't start over. Paul is brilliant though and everyone should definatley at least try and see it. :)

30 Day Book Challenges: Day 16: Favourite Rom-Com: Where Rainbows End.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

'Somewhere Over The Rainbow Skys Are Blue..'

...And The Dreams That You Dare To Dream Really Do Come True'

What do you dream of? Would you love to be a singer? A dancer? Do you just want to be famous? Would you love to be an astronaut? Or a famous scientist like Brian Cox?
By these dreams I mean the ones that you can never see coming to fruition.
For me it's simple I wish I could be an actress. Not for fame or money. I'd just love to be out there on stage playing different characters, being able to dress up and immerse yourself in another world. Theatre is diferent to film, film you have to stop every so often and it only comes to fruition after editing and cutting everything together. With theatre you have to go out and play the story from start to finish for 3 hours you become a princess in search of a prince, a fairy, a lover, a singer. Anything.

There are several problems with this dream; I wouldn't even mind appearing in community theatre but I simply can't.

30 Day Challenges: Day 15.

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 15: First Movie Seen In A Cinema: Muppet Treasure Island

This may not be the first film that I saw but it's the first one I remember. It came out in 1996, when I myself was 6 years old. I remember staying right to the very end and seeing the joke that polly lobster tells Long John Silver. I remember my Gran, god rest her soul coming with us and realising she had her slippers on because she'd forgotten to put her shoes on.

Monday 28 March 2011

Enough Reviews....

Enough Reviews and challenges let's get down to something about me for a change.

My challenges and reviews even feel good friday doesn't really tell you the audience anything about me though does it.
Who am I?
Well I'm going to let you know a little more about me with a rather personal story that has recently happened.

30 Day Challenge: Day 14.

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 14: Favourite Childhood Book: Fanatastic Mr Fox/The Twits

There is a reason I've put both of these books, they are only shortand could be eaily placed into one book with the above name. I absolutley adored Roald Dahl when I was younger. I still do, his morality tales are on a par with darkness that the original fairy tales held.
The villains (if we may call them that) in his books always get their comeuppance in a rather marvellous way. Back to the books at hand though.
Lets start with The Twits, Mr and Mrs Twit are to despicable sorry creatures who delight in making each other miserable and also those around them. They are just as cruel to animals as they are to humans and each other. The tale if done right in a film could be truly terrifying, as they very near bake four boys in a pie. In the end The Twits get there comeuppance and their just deserts. The book is amazingly easy to read and absolutley fantastic.
The second book is Fantastic Mr Fox, the tale of a the talented Mr Fox and his family who have to steal from three farmers to survive. The farmers get angry and take vengence, they blow of his tale. Mr fox comes up with a fantastic plan to dig a tunnel to the farmers stores and steal the food that way, meeting other starving animals along the way they decide to build a town to. Mr Fox and the other animals live happily ever after while the farmers are left waiting outside the Fox's hole forever.
This book is equally brilliant and quite dark in the tale its self.

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 14: Fvourite Movie Quote: 'Never Give Up Never Surrender' -Galaxy Quest

There is the video of the quote, I've already talked about Galaxy Quest at great length about how it's my favourite film, but this is my favourite quote ever. It's become a sort of life moto of mine. Never Give up, Never surrender. even if life gets really bad, you don't give up. I love it. there is not a lot more I can say on it because it's quite self explanitory.

Ugly Duckling Out xx

Sunday 27 March 2011

30 Day Challenges: Days 12 and 13.

30 Day Movie Challenge:Day 12: Favourite Animated Movie: Sleeping Beauty.

Why wouldn't this be my favourite animated film?
Out of all the disney animated fairytales I would argue that Sleeping Beauty is by far the best, I think it's mainly because the prince actually has to overcome a real obstacle. Sure Cinderella has the stepmother, Snow White has a witch and Beauty and The Beast has an evil hunter, but this prince he actually has to do a load of work to get to his princess, he has to battle through a forest of thorns and then proceed to fight off a pissed off witch who turns into a dragon!! It's fai to say that this prince has to do a lot more for his princess then the others. He does have the help of three fairies at times but still....
I think that's why I like this film more then the others which I still love but well....

30 Day Movie Challenge:Day 13: A Movie You Used To Love But Now Hate: The King and I (animated)

I never really loved this film... I kind of liked it, but then I watched it this afternoon and oh my word! This film is really rather racist, that would be why I hated it so much, the supposed King of Sian and his children all have American accents and sound like a very bad impression of someone who can't speak English very well. Then on top of this we have an entourage of other rather racist characters, the characters don't really speak properly either which is a let down. This rather cheery film, will in the end impart on your children that all people of Sian speak a little of English in very American accents and clearly have no language of their own...... a brilliant message..... not.

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 12: Favourite Biography: Born Brilliant: The Life Of Kenneth Williams, by Christopher Stevens

Here I must admit I am cheating, I haven't actually read the book but I would like to.
I remember when I was younger I loved the Carry on films, I still do. I must have been 9 or 10 siting in the frontroom of my house when I asked my Gran what had happened to the Kenneth Williams, Frankie Howard and Sid James. She told me they were dead. I was devastated I actually cried. I loved those films and those members of the cast. The BBC did a docudrama aboutWilliams life as they've done about many of them, starring Michael Sheen and I loved it so I really I could read this book it would be really interesting to find out more about the man behind ooooohhh Matron. :)

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 13: Favourite Autobiography: Simon Pegg Nerd Do Well.

My rather lovely boyfriend bought me this book for christmas and I must admite it took me a while to get around to reading. When I did though I absolutley loved it, it was a brilliant book, Pegg writes with a style not to far from his film making, the stories of his childhood are injected with brilliant bouts of humour and the book itsself even has a fictional story of a superhuman pegg breaking up the chapters.
I reccommend it to any of his fans.

Ugly Duckling Out xxx