Welcome To Ugly Ducklings Pond a blog filled with film reviews, rants, stories, poems and all sorts of bloggish things. I'm also on twitter so until I can get a follow me button on here you'll find me here: http://twitter.com/#!/MissMoonshine
Friday, 18 March 2011
Feel Good Friday
So what better way to kick it off then Feel Good Friday.
each week on a friday I will find a good news stor, charity, cause or something that is a feel good story to make people smile. As it's Red Nose Day today I've decided to focus on that so for the first feel good friday here it is:
Red Nose Day or Comic Relief.
red nose day first began in 1988, it's a charity and was founded by script writer Richard Curtis and Alexander Mendis in response to the famine in Ethiopia. Comic Relief like Children In Need is supported by the BBC and relies on the sales of merchandise and the general public raising money to fund it. Every two year Comic Relief is held and they release charity singles usually a comedy Single and a Pop single to help riase money.
So what does your moeny go on, the money goes to many charities across the UK and over sees, here in the UK it supports charities that help with Mental Health, the elderly, young people, people who have been the subjects of domestic and sexual abuse, and many organisations around the world fighting malaria and trying to help in education.
Everyone should support Red Nose Day even if you only put 50p in a Red Nose Day tin it all helps, it helps not only the people suffering but those around them, it allows carers of someone with mental health, dementia, disabillities and long term illnesses be able to take a break from the stresses of life just for one day.
It's still not to late to get involved though Red Nose Day is on BBC one tonight from half 7 and you can donate via the website or text, you can buy special Red Nose Day t-shirts in TKMaxx that are really quite cool I personally have a Queenie from Black Adder one. You can pick up Red Noses from sainsburys to.
from 1p to 100pounds every penny counts, so join in even if you just watch 5 minutes of the show tonight the money really helps.
So yeah thats my First Feel Good Friday cause. anyone who donates should feel very proud of themselves because in turn your heklping someone else. Thats not to say if you don't donate you can't still be involved and show your support like I said even just tuning in for 5 minutes is good.
Heres the website should you want to donate or get involved... http://www.rednoseday.com/
Ugly duckling Out xx
30 Day Challenges: Movie and Book Challenge
30 Day Book Challenge: Favourite Mystery Book
For those who don't know Diagnosis Murder is a tv show that ran between 1993 to 2001. It was a mystery series with Dick Van Dyke as chief of medicine and awesome sleuth Dr Mark Sloan who along with his real life son (Barry Van Dyke) playing Steve Sloan and two fellow doctors solves many a mystery.
The book brings back Jack a Dr from the early series who left and was replaced by Jesse, this obviously creates tensions within the group while Mark tries to solve a murder.
If you love the show you will absolutley love the books.
30 Day Movie Challenge: Your Favourite Horror Film.
It does have a few scary bits like the starving and decaying Lestat that we see.
I do love this film though it's rather glossy, its got a sort of shine on it not like the earlier Dracula with Gary Oldman.
I love the dynamics between the characters and how heart breaking it is when our little girl vampire dies.
Louis and Lestat are a perfect paring to one doesn't care about the human race while the other craves to be human again. I've read the book for it to and I loved that aswell.
I like this series I love queen of the damned even though it's really cheesy it's still really fun. I love my vampire films, I like some horror if it doesn't scare me to much but vampires and werewolves I don't think they'll ever really scare me :) I reccommend this to everyone along wiht Dusk Til Dawn, Daybreakers, The Howling, dog Soldiers, Dracula 2000 :)
Ugly Duckling Out xx

Thursday, 17 March 2011
30 Day Challenges: Movie Challenge
The Mummy Returns.
I could have chosen anything; I could have picked Die Hard and the likes but I'm sticking with The Mummy or rather The Mummy two. I love this film so much, at the same time it's quite cheesy it kind of satisfys everything that I look for in a film for me. It's got some great comedy moments, great fun action scenes and some minor scary points to. It's also got some brilliant bits of romance in it.
It's very hollywood the film, it's cheesy and rather full of 'beautiful people', beautiful in the old fashioned sense though not in the new age sense, take Evelyn, Evelyn is a throwback to old Hollywood movies, shes got this english rose look about her and to me she's one of the sexiest women characters ever in film. Not only would I want to be like her because she encompasses brains and beauty, but shes the type of woman I'd want to marry. Then theres the men, Rick is the stereotypical all action male who steps in to save the world and his family from the evil mummy yet at the same time he's kind and caring. I think the characters are really balanced in the film to and I think that's one of the reason I love it.
I also love the sense of adventure in the film, inevitably it's all about good vs evil, Evelyn and family vs the mummy, trying to stop him taking over the world. There are exotic locations and brilliant fight sequences andsome real funny moments in there to. Especially where Johnathan is concerned.
I give this film five stars and reccomend it to everyone.
Ugly Duckling Out
Well I've already said Harry potter so i can't use that again, I have other favourites but this is a book I really like which I just finished reading. It's definatley become a favourite.
The Holmes affair is a work of fiction, but it tells the tale of two different timelines, the first setting is Arthur Conan Doyle killing Sherlock Holmes off, this then leads into ACD ending up involved in trying to solve a murder and having to almost channel Holmes to help him. The other story tells of Harold a Sherlockian (People obsessed with Sherlock Holmes). Our hero in question tries to channel Holmes and help solve the murder of a professor at the same hotel, at the same time he's also trying to find the missing Arthur Conan Doyle diaries from the time we are with Doyle.
The book is really good and because of the split timescale it means that the author can really build something up to a cliffhanger, you as a reader don't want to put the book down because you want to find out what happens but to get to the next part of ACD story, you have to read Harolds story to get to it and this draws you back into Harolds story and so on and so forth. I found it a really good read and reccomend it to anyone.
Ugly Duckling Out
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
30 Day Challenges: Book Challenge
Ok so I have loads of film books, and books on writing. I have lots of autobiographies and the like but this is the favourite on my shelf, this book came with replica film props in the book a replica marauders map which I was just amazed at. Its full of fun facts but this gets the vote from me today because of the fake film props in it :) .
Another book readily becoming my favourite is Simon Peggs autobiography, Nerd Rising, it's really funny and because of the way he tells it your finding out about huim but it's not borng. it's not a when i was 8 this happened. It#'s injected with these little story excerpts that he's wrote and I presume will conclued when the book does. Your introduced to him in a humourous way and it really makes it very readable, for example when recounting a story in which he was in a play and a particulary embarassing moment he rambles for a page and a half about whether the space between boys and girls toilets was always waiting for a certain arcade game.
This idea in itsself is boring but Pegg tells it in such a way that makes it funny and rather interesting possibly even though provoking. Anyway I'm going to stop rambling on now.
Ugly Duckling Out xx
30 Day Challenges: Movie Challenge
This is my favourite of the X-Men films, that is until I have seen First Class because I have a feeling that will be awesome to, I love this film mainly because it has Beast in it and Beast was always my favourite X-Man, him and Storm.
I love how the film has a vast variety of mutants in it and I love the phoenix storyline, the main downfall with the X-Men films is that we never actually delve into much detail about the characters, other then wolverine and maybe Xavier and Magneto. The audience never really gets to understand where the characters came from, ut I suppose with such a vast cast of characters there will always be someone unhappy that their favourite character doesn't get enough coverage.
Overall the film deserves at least 4 stars in terms of it's counter parts. I think everyone should see this at least once because Kelsey Grammar is the perfect Beast.
Ugly Duckling Out x
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
30 Day Challenges: Movie Challenge.
30 Day Movie Challenge: Day One Your favourite Movie.
Galaxy Quest (1999)
I never actually saw this film when it came out at the cinema, when it first came out I had no concept of who Alan Rickman was, as far as I knew of him when I was young and I'd seen Die Hard I quite fancied the german guy but that's all he was to me. He wasn't Alan Rickman to me in the way he is today until he took on the roll of Snape, then I was fascinated by him he fit the bill of Snape perfectly and so it set me off on a roll of finding out all his films I wanted to see him in EVERYTHING!
This was one of the few films I saw, it was on TV one afternoon and the main draw of watching it was Alan Rickman, but I loved it. The film is so funny its dry and witty yet at the same time it's got some real slapstick in there. It's set in space. it's got action, comedy, romance, sci-fi, drama everything.
For those of you who don't know Galaxy Quest is a simple story. Aliens from a distant planet mistakenly think that a cancelled TV show named Galaxy Quest is a historical document, they come down to ask the shows cast for help and the now much older cast, bored of being at conventions end up out of their depth fighting real aliens in space.
The cast is pretty damn good for the film to; Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman take up the three main roles as the main actors on the show. Then we have a whole cast of crazy characters, the over reactive driver of our vessel, Quelleck the alien in awe of Rickmans, Dr Lazarus; the extreamley laid back technician who falls in love with an alien and the panicky extra scared he's going to die at any given moment.
I watched this film so much that I wore the dvd out and when dropped it broke clean in half. Like I said I love this film so much, it pays homage to so many brilliant films and tv shows in it. Five stars and I reccomend everyone watches it :)
Ugly Duckling Out xx
Heres the rest of the challenge list to
30 Day Movie Challenge
Day 01 - Your favorite movie
Day 02 - The last movie you watched
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of
Day 10 - Your favorite director
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most
Day 19 - Your favorite actor
Day 20 - Your favorite actress
Day 21 - The most overrated movie
Day 22 - The most underrated movie
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie
Day 24 - Favorite documentary
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie
30 Day Challenges: The Book Challenge
Day One: A Picture Of Your Favourite Book.
I think it goes without saying that this is my favourite ever book. It's the first time I stepped into the world of Harry Potter. it was the first time I ever met Harry, the first time I ever laid eyes on Sirius Black and the Marauders.
I can remember exactly when I first picled up this book, we were sat in a room in primary school a circular room with a circular table, the cover attracted me the way it looks really mythical everything about it just enchanted me I remember picking up and reading those first few words, I was really young, I was 9 and I had no clue who these characters were but I immediatley got a feeling that this book had to be put down because I had to read the first two before I could read this book.
When I got to this book I love it immediatley, it's a break from the normal fear of Voldemort, this book is about Harry finding out who he is, about his parents, I love this book so much because I adored many of the ssecondary characters right from the start, especially Snape and in this book we seem to explore them a little more, I love that about this series, the fact that J.K has a story for each and every character, even minor ones. I fell in love with Sirius Black in this one and a little with Remus Lupin.
I can't even begin to explain to you how much this book means to me. It's just got something which the others haven't, I don't even know what myself I think it's because we get immersed into this world a lot more because we get given more back stories and it just makes it even more real.
Anyway so yeah there is the picture of my favourite book and in a round about way why.
heres the rest of the challenge list to by the way.
30 Day Challenge: Books
Day 1: A picture of your favorite book of all time
Day 2: A picture of your favorite non-fiction book
Day 3: A picture of your favorite fiction book
Day 4: A picture of your favorite mystery book
Day 5: A picture of your favorite informational book
Day 6: A picture of your favorite historical fiction book
Day 7: A picture of your favorite science fiction book
Day 8: A picture of your favorite romance book
Day 9: A picture of your favorite horror book
Day 10: A picture of your favorite folk-tale book
Day 11: A picture of your favorite poetry book
Day 12: A picture of your favorite biography book
Day 13: A picture of your favorite autobiography book
Day 14: A picture of your favorite childhood book
Day 15: A picture of your favorite picture book
Day 16: A picture of your favorite romantic comedy book
Day 17: A picture of your favorite manga
Day 18: A picture of your favorite how-to book
Day 19: A picture of your favorite Mythology book
Day 20: A picture of your favorite young adult book
Day 21: A picture of your favorite fable book
Day 22: A picture of your favorite vampire book
Day 23: A picture of your favorite climax in a book
Day 24: A picture of your favorite character in a book
Day 25: A picture of your favorite self-help book
Day 26: A picture of your favorite hardcover book
Day 27: A picture of your favorite paperback book
Day 28: A picture of your favorite comic/graphic novel book
Day 29: A picture of your favorite cliffhanger book
Day 30: A picture of a book you are currently reading
*if you don’t have one, then post a picture of your favorite books or your least favorite books.
Ugly duckling out xx