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Monday 4 April 2011

30 Day Challenges: Days 18,19,20,21.....

OK so I'm very sorry to any regualr readers if I have them, I was out and about on the town this weekend so there was no Feel Good Friday and unfortuneatley no 30 day challenge things all weekend so I'll do them all here in one go. This is going to be a long one but heres the days I'll cover then you can decide whether to read or not.

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 18:A Movie Which Dissappointed You: Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
30 Day Book Challenge: Day 18: Favourite How To Book: How Not To Write A Novel
30 Day Movie Challenge: Day19: Favourite Actor: Alan Rickman.
30 Day Book Challenge: Day 19: Favourite Mysthology Book: Greek Mythology. 
30 Day Book Challenge: Day 20: Favourite Young Adult Book: Breaking Dawn

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day20: Favourite Actress: Emma Thompson. 
30 Day Movie Challenge: Day21: Most Overrated Movie 

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 21:Favourite Fable:aesops Fables

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 18:A Movie Which Dissappointed You: Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
Where do I start? I mean really where do I start, this film rather annoys me there was so much more to the book that they failed to mention instead to make it 'appeal' to a wider audience they decided that they would focus on some rather meaningless stuff from the book. For example the horcruxes are a lot bigger deal then they appear to be in the film they are essential to the destruction of voldemort, yet you don't get this feel from the film, also we are supposed to belive that Snape is evil we are supposed to hate his guts and Malfoys, then don't even get me started on the ending which was ridiculous, it was crap and could have easily been done so much better.
I'm going to stop now because I can talk about Potter all day :) 

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 18: Favourite How To Book: How Not To Write A Novel
This book is fantastic for anyone like me who enjoys writing and wants to work on writing a novel, what makes it better then other books is that is doesn't tell you how you should write a novel. It's basic message is 'Hey you can write whatever the hell you want, but just don't do this, this and this because these are easy mistakes to make.'
The only downside is the book can get a little confusing at times if your not paying proper attention I'd still give it four stars though

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day19: Favourite Actor: Alan Rickman.
 I can't believe I'm going to have trouble writing about him but I am the mans amazing. From Snape to Hans, From Lazarus to Alex hes amazing in pretty much everything he does, he smoulders sexiness, his voice can make women go weak at the knees.
Everyone will have seen him in something but not everyone will recognise that it is actually him. :)

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 19: Favourite Mysthology Book: Greek Mythology. 
A book from my childhood with all the greek myths in them edited to be a little cleaner for kids still brilliant though

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 20: Favourite Young Adult Book: Breaking Dawn
Yes I hate to admit it but I do love this little number. as much as I hate the twilight saga, Bellas birth in this is quite scary and brilliant, I love that this one is quite gory and a lot more emotionally charged. It falls short at the end though. You don't really feel scared for Bella and Edward anymore especially because Bella just happens to have the solution to everything.
This leaves the reader rather dissappointed.

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day20: Favourite Actress: Emma Thompson. 
Emma Thompson is one amazing actress, I especially love her in Last Chance harvey. 

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day21: Most Overrated Movie: Avatar. 
I don't think I need to say anything other then Pochahontas and Ferngully. James Cameron did well to whip up a publicity storm around it and had people claiming it was going to be the most amazing thing ever even though he ripped most of it off from elsewhere.

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 21:Favourite Fable:aesops Fables
I loved these books as a child, they were little ladybird books full of aesops fables and I love how brilliantly they give off a moral message.

I know it's short and without pictures but there was a lot to get through and I do apologise :)

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