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Thursday 24 February 2011


Ok so going back on the pledge I made yesterday i decided I'm going to write something everyday, whether or not it follows on from the day before doesn't really matter to be fair. :)
So heres todays installment, let me know what you think in the comments section;

'That's not the way it works dectective and you know that.' She giggled down the phone, the moaning noise in the background was making the detective agitated making him want to find this vile creature even more. He'd had to turn this seriel killer into a real monster their couldn't be a motive or a mystery, it had to just be because otherwise he may start to empathise with her.
'I gave you a clue I told you where I was, how I got here and I even gave you the good grace to almost give you the answer. Now do me the good grace of finding me out. Your the Batman to my Joker detective you see without you I don't exist snd without me; well without me you don't exist either.' Than she hung up.
Detective Mills stood for 5 minutes going over the conversation in his head, he didn't want to play her sick games, he didn't want to be any part of this fantastical experience she was going through. He wanted to stop people getting killed.

The woman stood with her back to the victim, the victim being a young man; an interesting young man who had taken it upon himself to make several peoples lives hell, including the detective she had just been talking to. She had pre planned this down to a tee, she had decked out the whole place in a kind of shrink wrap so their would be no evidence of anything that happened here other then the video tape, it all took a few hours nothing more.
An hour to edit the video so, that when the detective found and played the video it would be only of the victim in question dying slowly, while an invisible assailant killed them. Roughly half an hour to ensure she removed the wrapping took it to somewhere abandoned and burnt it. The best thing about everything she did was the fact their was no evidence. It would take the detective pure skill to figure out who she was and catch her. That she supposed was part of the thrill.

She had an array of tools to torture her victim with, all which she made herself, all which were disposable, plastic sharpened to the point that it could be mistaken for a real knifes edge or a real surgical scapel, wooden stakes and other sharpened objects a favourite would be arrows, glass and ice were also favourites of this killer, to her it didn't matter; sometimes She killed them sometimes she merely scarred them be it mentally or physically, several of her victims were in mental institutions and some were at the bottom of the river, it was just the way she operated and now, now this quivering man before her could not be more afraid.

She'd drugged him to ensure he was easier to move; she lifted and dragged him onto a wheel on the floor, this would be a fun one. She tied his arms then his legs so he looked like a star on the wheel. then she hoisted the wheel up, so the man was almost standing, apart from his feet never touched the floor.

She waited.

'Eurgh' he moved groggily he was waking finally it had taken him long enough, then he realised he was tied and bound.
'What the hell, let me down you crazy bitch, what the fuck is this shit.' he shouted.
'Now now, we may have to censor this for all the boys and girls at home, remember your not supposed to swear before the water shed.' She smirked.
'what the fuck, this isn't funny now let me down.' he said
'Nope' She smiled.
She sat down and stroked a wooden bow and arrow, this came everywhere with her the arrows were always disposed of correctly but this this always stayed with her and she often wondered if it would be her downfall.
She stood lazily and fired two arrows just an inch away from either side of his head, the victim started screaming and protesting even more. That wasn't what she wanted though she wanted him real scared, so so scared.
This had to be quick, so this clearly wouldn't be as much fun as actually slaughtering him but still justice needed to be done. She smiled to herself and merely fired another arrow this time a little closer. She could see the sweat forming on his face, that face that was turning white as it suddenly dawned on him that maybe this wasn't a scare tactic.
'NO swearing before the watershed.' She smiled again and this time she threw one of her plastic tools, it cut through the fat in his arm and pinned it place, the skin began to tear as it couldn't support the weight of the rest of the arm.
The man screamed in agony and then whimpered a little.
'Now you can swear' She smiled. She looked down at her victims pants they were soaked througgh with fresh stinking piss, and tears ran down his fat face, she licked a tear and made a little noise of delight.
Then with one swift movement she pulled the knife out of his arm and slit his throat like an animal she spun him upside down and bled him dry, when the blood bucket was full she threw the blood in the river, filled the bucket with stones and threw that in to. She left the body as it was; it was a fun fair after all, she gathered up her tools and their accesories, she drove them out to the woods and burned them all, when there was nothing but ash left she mixed it in with the soil and when everything looked as it should be she left. She smiled as she left and put the edited movie on table she had been sat at.

By the time detective Mills figured out that the next victim would be killed at a carnival the victim was already dead and no trace of a murder was around except of course the body.
the detective thought he recognized the body, he was sure he'd been to school with the boy.....

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