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Monday 21 February 2011

New Beginnings and all that...

OK so sadly my other blog is no more, it wa full of random ramblings, as I'm sure this blog will soon be, however now I'm at university maybe it will be a little less ranting and a little more film reviews :)
I suppose I should mention my good friend Caitlin who inspired me to start writing my blog again and actually learn how to tweet and make use of my twitter account :) I Just started following Simon Pegg *getsalittletoexcited* ... so as homage to her you'll find her blog here, it's very good for book reviews and the like, shes quite a bit more hmmmm, how would you put it articulate then me. :) So head on for a look around there.

So maybe I should introdce myself in this first post, tell you a bit about me and my life.

I'm Ugly Duckling, or Laura to my close friends but hey this is the internet right? I can be anyone I like on here I could be the terminator for anyone would know, but I rather like that name it gives the impression I'll blossom into a swan some day, theres always hope. Anyway I'm 20 going on about 45 (soon to be 21 this year), I'm extreamley passionate about the things I believe in and always stand up for my rights and the like, films are pretty much my life, I love them, watching them, making them, writing them. Everything to do with it, everywhere I go I view it as a potentional place for this or that to happen in a film. That's why I'm currently studying film and media studies at university.
I can go off on massive rants which I'm sure will occasionally find there way onto here, please forgive any grammar and punctuation mistakes to theyare not my strongest point.
I hope to use this blog as a kind of release for my daily tensions, but also as a way to help out anyone else who needs it, I'm not amazing on the advice front but if you need someone to listen or someone to talk to abou anything maybe I can help so drop me a comment. (I hoping this page may get a little busier then justthe odd one visitor).

So I don't really know whatelse to say apart from maybe I'll post tomorrow.

Ugly Duckling Out

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