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Tuesday 1 March 2011

Dream life away....

Dreaming is so lovely especially when they are good dreams.
I always feel guilty when I have an amazing dream about people I quite fancy. For example the other day or rather night I had a rather interesting dream about one henrick Hanssen, not Guy henry who plays him no Henrick Hanssen the character, CEO at Holby city whose looming prescence, would not look out of place in a dracula novel. He's perfect for me, tall, dark and handsome, he's intelligent and very witty and has an air of darkness about him.
Anyway back to my dream, it was an indiana jones esque temple, I would almost say aztech, dark blues in a cave with a waterfall gushing down the front. We had just escaped a vicious gang on motorbikes, who for some reason decided to attack a hospital and hold people hostage. Henrick and I hid as they came looking for us. They eventually go back up to the hospital and we decide we have to save everyone else. For some reasons unbeknowst to me this cave is underneath the hospital and just happens to have somethings we can use as weapons metal poles and the likes.
As we fight off two of the motorcycle gang who have appeared in the cave, Henrick steps in and saves me from one of them......then...........
A Movie style kiss ensued that I must say when I awoke certainly had me trying to get back to sleep.
I love dreams like this but I always feel quite guilty on my boyfriend, like i'm dream cheating. What makes the guilt worse is that I enjoy dreaming so much.
When you get the really good dreams even if they're just adventure dreams not an ounce of romance I still get this sense of guilt because I'd rather carry on dreaming than come into reality.
At the same time though I think i shouldn't feel guilty, good dreams are like a special treat for someone like me with an overactive imagination, vivid amazing dreams often come along maybe once in a while to enjoy and indulge in rather like a good pizza, you can't eat it everyday but when you get it on the off chance you damn well enjoy it. :)
I dream almost every night it's just most nights they're pretty boring and about something trivial like a ghost in the house, or solving murders or nicking a car to escape some huge disaster, or frequently I get little romance ones but nothing to really stand out. :]

Daydreaming is also another one of my little indulgences, I love when I'm sat on the train or the bus and I just drift off into a daydream, even if it means I miss my next stop.

Anyway I'm going to stop rambling on about dreams and day dreaming now and get down to some real university work. :)

Ugly Duckling Out

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