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Monday 7 March 2011

No muse but ideas....

Ok so I think I just need to stop thinking about getting a muse, one will come along eventually, then maybe I can carry on old stories or just write new ones.
Anyway I have what I have deemed a good idea, now Zombies are not my fortay, I do not like them they scare the crap out of me, yet I can write a Zombie film, I quite like the idea of writing a Zombie film, maybe because it's a form of therapy for me, who knows it might even help me get over my fear.
The main problem I'm facing at the moment is I think on to big a scale, the way I see things in my head is like a polished cinema released film, I don't want amazing special effects or anything but I have a feeling that it's going to look more like a failed youtube video, then theres the people helping me, I want an edgy thriller, a cross between the fantastic Daybreakers (2010) and the brlliant Jurassic Park (1991) but with zombies. I think many of by collegues however want a more actiony route.
I also have another idea a spin on the classic western; now I know that currently on route for release is the what looks to be brilliant Cowboys and Aliens (2011) my idea which I am now copywriting right here; consists of Vamps, Weres, Zombies, Humans and Superheros. A different take on the western I won't tell you how just that it would include all those things. Not like Reddead Redemtion either because I know theres the add on with Zombies. This is a private project though.

Anyway so this latest idea may just feed into nothingness but I'm kind of hoping that it won't and by summer I'll have a decent screenplay, a decent cast of people willing to help, camermen/women and some if not brilliant at least reliable people to help me out.
Reckon I should go get some writing done now.

so for now
Ugly Duckling Out

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