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Tuesday 15 March 2011

30 Day Challenges: The Book Challenge

I do not write on this blog as often as I should I keep saying this so now I've found a way to make me write each day for a while. 30 Day Challenges, I'll have a few on the go at once, if I can find some good ones. Heres the first day of the first one though.

Day One: A Picture Of Your Favourite Book.
I think it goes without saying that this is my favourite ever book. It's the first time I stepped into the world of Harry Potter. it was the first time I ever met Harry, the first time I ever laid eyes on Sirius Black and the Marauders.
I can remember exactly when I first picled up this book, we were sat in a room in primary school a circular room with a circular table, the cover attracted me the way it looks really mythical everything about it just enchanted me I remember picking up and reading those first few words, I was really young, I was 9 and I had no clue who these characters were but I immediatley got a feeling that this book had to be put down because I had to read the first two before I could read this book.
When I got to this book I love it immediatley, it's a break from the normal fear of Voldemort, this book is about Harry finding out who he is, about his parents, I love this book so much because I adored many of the ssecondary characters right from the start, especially Snape and in this book we seem to explore them a little more, I love that about this series, the fact that J.K has a story for each and every character, even minor ones. I fell in love with Sirius Black in this one and a little with Remus Lupin.
I can't even begin to explain to you how much this book means to me. It's just got something which the others haven't, I don't even know what myself I think it's because we get immersed into this world a lot more because we get given more back stories and it just makes it even more real.
Anyway so yeah there is the picture of my favourite book and in a round about way why.

heres the rest of the challenge list to by the way.

30 Day Challenge: Books

Day 1: A picture of your favorite book of all time

Day 2: A picture of your favorite non-fiction book

Day 3: A picture of your favorite fiction book

Day 4: A picture of your favorite mystery book

Day 5: A picture of your favorite informational book

Day 6: A picture of your favorite historical fiction book

Day 7: A picture of your favorite science fiction book

Day 8: A picture of your favorite romance book

Day 9: A picture of your favorite horror book

Day 10: A picture of your favorite folk-tale book

Day 11: A picture of your favorite poetry book

Day 12: A picture of your favorite biography book

Day 13: A picture of your favorite autobiography book

Day 14: A picture of your favorite childhood book

Day 15: A picture of your favorite picture book

Day 16: A picture of your favorite romantic comedy book

Day 17: A picture of your favorite manga

Day 18: A picture of your favorite how-to book

Day 19: A picture of your favorite Mythology book

Day 20: A picture of your favorite young adult book

Day 21: A picture of your favorite fable book

Day 22: A picture of your favorite vampire book

Day 23: A picture of your favorite climax in a book

Day 24: A picture of your favorite character in a book

Day 25: A picture of your favorite self-help book

Day 26: A picture of your favorite hardcover book

Day 27: A picture of your favorite paperback book

Day 28: A picture of your favorite comic/graphic novel book

Day 29: A picture of your favorite cliffhanger book

Day 30: A picture of a book you are currently reading

*if you don’t have one, then post a picture of your favorite books or your least favorite books.

Ugly duckling out xx

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