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Wednesday 6 April 2011

30 Day Challenges Day 23:

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 23: Favourite Climax In A Book: Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. 

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 23; Favourite Character From A Movie: The Joker.

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 23: Favourite Climax In A Book: Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. 
It's my favourite book so it's obviously going to have my favourite ending. What I love most about this book, the ending is what sets J.K apart from other writers *coughStephanieMeyercough*. We come to a nice conclusion when *WARNING SPOILERS* Harry finally begins to learn where he came from and a little more about his mum and dad, he finds his Godfather and learns that the man he has feared for well over a year is a not the killer he was thought to be. J.K ties everything up nicely. Then she brings out the full moon and with a werewolf present thats a bad idea. What I love is that she brings Harry constantly to the brink of happiness but then takes something away from him, a sort of sacrifice. Like real life.
After Harry saves Sirius for the second time he is torn away from his Godfather and a real chance at happiness, all his dreams do not magically come together at the end of the book and we understand that the fight with voldemort is still ongoing. I love the fact that the ending while still being a happy ending is almost bittersweet becuase while Sirius and Buckbeak live, they still have to hide.

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 23: Favourite Character From A Movie: The Joker. 
However you take him, Nicholson, Ledger or Cesar Romero you cannot mistake the iconic status that the Joker has throughout the world. he's the psychotic clown that never frowns.
The Joker is one amazingly complex character, he enjoys creating chaos, anywhere and everywhere.
The Joker is a highly intelligent with a warped and often sadistic sense of humour, he just does whatever the hell he likes for fun and games.
I can't even really begin to describe why I love him so much, he's more endearing then Hannibal and I like him possibly more than Sweeney Todd. :)

Ugly Duckling Out xx

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