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Sunday 17 April 2011

Some Parents Need to Realise Not Everyone Likes Kids.........

Ok so I work in a kids shop, meaning I should love kids right? NO You couldn't be more wrong and their is nothing worse for me then pushy parents out in a park who insist everyone must love their kids, therefore their kids even when kicking a ball at someone are doing nothing wrong.

So me and my boyfriend decided to venture to the park today, a lovely park in Glossop, it's a beautiful day so we figured why not take the dog, I figured it might be a little busy with kids and what not, well because when I was younger thats where we used to go. I don't mind kids at times (for example my friends children who can be generally really very adorable), I'm quite happy to entertain them in my work capacity, but I'm just happy to entertain then, it's not a love of children that drives me forward. If I'm honest, if I could I'd rip my womb out and throw it to someone who wants 'em. I don't not ever, I don't want them and I don't understand why I should be made to feel guilty because their are people out there who can't have children but want them.
Back to the park, so the first instance, me and my boyfriend sat in an area away from all the families throwing balls and playing with their kids. The best example I can give to enlighten you of what angered me was this; imagine the field is a square and me and my boyfriend sit in the corner, this family decided to come and plant themselves not in the middle, not on the other side of the square but really quite near. I'm sat trying to enjoy the sun, throwing a toy for my dog and they plonk themselves quite near and their child comes wandering close to the dog. Now I know my dog isn't dangerous, he's quite nice but he doesn't like it when people grab at him, the complete lack of thought from the parents annoyed me, what if my dog had been dangerous? What if their child had come right over to us? What if he'd grabbed at my dog? What if my dog had bitten the child? People would not blame the idiocy of the parents, but rather me the dog owner and my dog. The next thing is they start looking over at me scowling at us, before they plonked themselves down so we picked up and moved to the middle.
Then the next instance happens a man with two children decides to start playing football right near us the ball getting closer and closer, it never came to us but it was just the shear look of 'they can do what they like' on their dads face. A Park is a public place, not just for families for couples and singles and regular folk to, what angers me is that people like this think that it is their childrens god given right to do whatever they want, to kick a ball at people and for people to accept it because their children, everyone should love them, because they are 'beautiful' children afterall.
Then a family plonk themselves down right behind us and the dad, I repeat not the child, but the father was kicking the ball straight for us, twice the child came and got it from near us before we decided to go.

I don't care how amazing or wonderful you think your kids are, if they kick a ball at me rather than handing it back nicely I'm more likely to pop it, smile and walk on. I do not find your kids amazing and wonderful. It is not their god given right to kick a ball at strangers or bug them, and it is not your right to laugh it off as a parent because you feel their just being cute.

Other then the above when we got out of the park and onto some secluded roads it was much better not a sqawking little brat in sight. :)

Grumpy Ugly duckling Out xxx

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