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Thursday 17 March 2011

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 3 A Picture Of Your Favourite Fiction Book.

Well I've already said Harry potter so i can't use that again, I have other favourites but this is a book I really like which I just finished reading. It's definatley become a favourite.
The Holmes affair is a work of fiction, but it tells the tale of two different timelines, the first setting is Arthur Conan Doyle killing Sherlock Holmes off, this then leads into ACD ending up involved in trying to solve a murder and having to almost channel Holmes to help him. The other story tells of Harold a Sherlockian (People obsessed with Sherlock Holmes). Our hero in question tries to channel Holmes and help solve the murder of a professor at the same hotel, at the same time he's also trying to find the missing Arthur Conan Doyle diaries from the time we are with Doyle.
The book is really good and because of the split timescale it means that the author can really build something up to a cliffhanger, you as a reader don't want to put the book down because you want to find out what happens but to get to the next part of ACD story, you have to read Harolds story to get to it and this draws you back into Harolds story and so on and so forth. I found it a really good read and reccomend it to anyone.

Ugly Duckling Out

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