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Wednesday 16 March 2011

30 Day Challenges: Book Challenge

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 2- A Picture of your favourite non-fiction book.

Ok so I have loads of film books, and books on writing. I have lots of autobiographies and the like but this is the favourite on my shelf, this book came with replica film props in the book a replica marauders map which I was just amazed at. Its full of fun facts but this gets the vote from me today because of the fake film props in it :) .
Another book readily becoming my favourite is Simon Peggs autobiography, Nerd Rising, it's really funny and because of the way he tells it your finding out about huim but it's not borng. it's not a when i was 8 this happened. It#'s injected with these little story excerpts that he's wrote and I presume will conclued when the book does. Your introduced to him in a humourous way and it really makes it very readable, for example when recounting a story in which he was in a play and a particulary embarassing moment he rambles for a page and a half about whether the space between boys and girls toilets was always waiting for a certain arcade game.
This idea in itsself is boring but Pegg tells it in such a way that makes it funny and rather interesting possibly even though provoking. Anyway I'm going to stop rambling on now.

Ugly Duckling Out xx

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