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Monday 28 March 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 14.

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 14: Favourite Childhood Book: Fanatastic Mr Fox/The Twits

There is a reason I've put both of these books, they are only shortand could be eaily placed into one book with the above name. I absolutley adored Roald Dahl when I was younger. I still do, his morality tales are on a par with darkness that the original fairy tales held.
The villains (if we may call them that) in his books always get their comeuppance in a rather marvellous way. Back to the books at hand though.
Lets start with The Twits, Mr and Mrs Twit are to despicable sorry creatures who delight in making each other miserable and also those around them. They are just as cruel to animals as they are to humans and each other. The tale if done right in a film could be truly terrifying, as they very near bake four boys in a pie. In the end The Twits get there comeuppance and their just deserts. The book is amazingly easy to read and absolutley fantastic.
The second book is Fantastic Mr Fox, the tale of a the talented Mr Fox and his family who have to steal from three farmers to survive. The farmers get angry and take vengence, they blow of his tale. Mr fox comes up with a fantastic plan to dig a tunnel to the farmers stores and steal the food that way, meeting other starving animals along the way they decide to build a town to. Mr Fox and the other animals live happily ever after while the farmers are left waiting outside the Fox's hole forever.
This book is equally brilliant and quite dark in the tale its self.

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 14: Fvourite Movie Quote: 'Never Give Up Never Surrender' -Galaxy Quest

There is the video of the quote, I've already talked about Galaxy Quest at great length about how it's my favourite film, but this is my favourite quote ever. It's become a sort of life moto of mine. Never Give up, Never surrender. even if life gets really bad, you don't give up. I love it. there is not a lot more I can say on it because it's quite self explanitory.

Ugly Duckling Out xx

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