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Sunday 27 March 2011

30 Day Challenges: Days 12 and 13.

30 Day Movie Challenge:Day 12: Favourite Animated Movie: Sleeping Beauty.

Why wouldn't this be my favourite animated film?
Out of all the disney animated fairytales I would argue that Sleeping Beauty is by far the best, I think it's mainly because the prince actually has to overcome a real obstacle. Sure Cinderella has the stepmother, Snow White has a witch and Beauty and The Beast has an evil hunter, but this prince he actually has to do a load of work to get to his princess, he has to battle through a forest of thorns and then proceed to fight off a pissed off witch who turns into a dragon!! It's fai to say that this prince has to do a lot more for his princess then the others. He does have the help of three fairies at times but still....
I think that's why I like this film more then the others which I still love but well....

30 Day Movie Challenge:Day 13: A Movie You Used To Love But Now Hate: The King and I (animated)

I never really loved this film... I kind of liked it, but then I watched it this afternoon and oh my word! This film is really rather racist, that would be why I hated it so much, the supposed King of Sian and his children all have American accents and sound like a very bad impression of someone who can't speak English very well. Then on top of this we have an entourage of other rather racist characters, the characters don't really speak properly either which is a let down. This rather cheery film, will in the end impart on your children that all people of Sian speak a little of English in very American accents and clearly have no language of their own...... a brilliant message..... not.

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 12: Favourite Biography: Born Brilliant: The Life Of Kenneth Williams, by Christopher Stevens

Here I must admit I am cheating, I haven't actually read the book but I would like to.
I remember when I was younger I loved the Carry on films, I still do. I must have been 9 or 10 siting in the frontroom of my house when I asked my Gran what had happened to the Kenneth Williams, Frankie Howard and Sid James. She told me they were dead. I was devastated I actually cried. I loved those films and those members of the cast. The BBC did a docudrama aboutWilliams life as they've done about many of them, starring Michael Sheen and I loved it so I really I could read this book it would be really interesting to find out more about the man behind ooooohhh Matron. :)

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 13: Favourite Autobiography: Simon Pegg Nerd Do Well.

My rather lovely boyfriend bought me this book for christmas and I must admite it took me a while to get around to reading. When I did though I absolutley loved it, it was a brilliant book, Pegg writes with a style not to far from his film making, the stories of his childhood are injected with brilliant bouts of humour and the book itsself even has a fictional story of a superhuman pegg breaking up the chapters.
I reccommend it to any of his fans.

Ugly Duckling Out xxx

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