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Tuesday 15 March 2011

30 Day Challenges: Movie Challenge.

So heres the second set of challenges I'm doing.

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day One Your favourite Movie.

Galaxy Quest (1999)

I never actually saw this film when it came out at the cinema, when it first came out I had no concept of who Alan Rickman was, as far as I knew of him when I was young and I'd seen Die Hard I quite fancied the german guy but that's all he was to me. He wasn't Alan Rickman to me in the way he is today until he took on the roll of Snape, then I was fascinated by him he fit the bill of Snape perfectly and so it set me off on a roll of finding out all his films I wanted to see him in EVERYTHING!
This was one of the few films I saw, it was on TV one afternoon and the main draw of watching it was Alan Rickman, but I loved it. The film is so funny its dry and witty yet at the same time it's got some real slapstick in there. It's set in space. it's got action, comedy, romance, sci-fi, drama everything.
For those of you who don't know Galaxy Quest is a simple story. Aliens from a distant planet mistakenly think that a cancelled TV show named Galaxy Quest is a historical document, they come down to ask the shows cast for help and the now much older cast, bored of being at conventions end up out of their depth fighting real aliens in space.
The cast is pretty damn good for the film to; Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman take up the three main roles as the main actors on the show. Then we have a whole cast of crazy characters, the over reactive driver of our vessel, Quelleck the alien in awe of Rickmans, Dr Lazarus; the extreamley laid back technician who falls in love with an alien and the panicky extra scared he's going to die at any given moment.

I watched this film so much that I wore the dvd out and when dropped it broke clean in half. Like I said I love this film so much, it pays homage to so many brilliant films and tv shows in it. Five stars and I reccomend everyone watches it :)

Ugly Duckling Out xx

Heres the rest of the challenge list to

30 Day Movie Challenge

Day 01 - Your favorite movie
Day 02 - The last movie you watched
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of
Day 10 - Your favorite director
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most
Day 19 - Your favorite actor
Day 20 - Your favorite actress
Day 21 - The most overrated movie
Day 22 - The most underrated movie
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie
Day 24 - Favorite documentary
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie

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