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Wednesday 16 March 2011

30 Day Challenges: Movie Challenge

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day Two - The Last Movie You Watched.

X-men 3: The last stand.
This is my favourite of the X-Men films, that is until I have seen First Class because I have a feeling that will be awesome to, I love this film mainly because it has Beast in it and Beast was always my favourite X-Man, him and Storm.
I love how the film has a vast variety of mutants in it and I love the phoenix storyline, the main downfall with the X-Men films is that we never actually delve into much detail about the characters, other then wolverine and maybe Xavier and Magneto. The audience never really gets to understand where the characters came from, ut I suppose with such a vast cast of characters there will always be someone unhappy that their favourite character doesn't get enough coverage.
Overall the film deserves at least 4 stars in terms of it's counter parts. I think everyone should see this at least once because Kelsey Grammar is the perfect Beast.

Ugly Duckling Out x

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