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Monday 21 March 2011

30 Day Challenges Day 7.

30 Day Movie Challenge: A Movie That Makes You Happy - Wind In The Willows

This film never ever fails to cheer me up. This film has got me through some dark times if a film can offer such comfort.
There are actually two film versions that make me equally happy, and I believe I can put them under that same day because they have the same title, cheating I know.
Wind in the Willows is the tale of Moley coming out of his hole in the spring and meeting the wonderful Ratty and the 'Incredible' Mr Toad. Mr Toad is a rich eccentric creature who becomes fascinated by motorcars, a fascination which leads to his downfall, Ratty and Moley then must find Badger the only person who can help Mr Toad and help save Toadhall from the evil weasels.
The first version contains Eric Idle, Steve Coogan, Terry Jones, Stephen Fry and a whole host of other brilliant english actors who in a some what disney-esque way manage to capture the spirit of Wind In The Willows and come up with a rather fun and brilliant piece of film. While it quite drastically in some places strays from the book, the characters and the settings remain the same.
The second version however contains Mark Gatiss, Lee Ingleby, Bob Hoskins and Matt Lucas. The show also houses some of the rather fine english talent availible, this version was made for christmas tv but runs at around the same length. This version is beautifully dramatised with the worlds created looking bright, dazzling and colourful. This version of the book sticks more closely to the book and makes few emissions which are not in themselves to important in the book. The reason these two films are so important and make me happy are because when I was in a very dark place, when I couldn't sleep everynight for a six month period these films were the only thing that allowwed me even a few minutes of sleep. I watched them so much I wore out the videos they were taped on.
The film has such an uplifting feeling that all worrys tend to fade away, be it angry, sad, upset or fearful this film would always pick me up and put me in a so called happy place.

30 day Book Challenege: Fvourite Science Fiction Book.
The Clockwise Man

I don't read a lot of science fiction if I'm honest which is strange I imagine if I read it I'd enjoy it. I imagine if I read something like Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy I would thoroughly enjoy reading as of yet though I have not read it.
So how can I choose a favourite; the truth is I can't, but what I can do is I can take a book that I read when I was younger and tell you about that.
When I was at highschool and Doctor Who was revived I was amazed, I was in awe. I had heard a lot about this mysterious Dr and seen him referred to on so many TV shows. The show looked awesome of course I'm referring to the old Doctor Who at this point. When it was revived then I thought I MUST see this programme. I was hooked from the start, while not actually fancying Christopher Ecclestone, there was indeed something very attractive about his character about the Doctor, he's extreamley intelligent yet amazingly flawed, he saves the world but cannot save every soul. He's the classic beautifully tragic hero.
Naturally I went crazy I bought posters, sticker albums toys and eventually made my way around to the books. The books are really quite good and I always remember this one, even the name sounds cool 'The Clockwise Man'.
The Doctor and Rose set off on another adventure, this time it's 1920's london and a killer is on the loose. The writing is brilliant and captures the real esscence of Ecclestones Doctor. This however is also a flaw, once Ecclstone left the show I found it hard to read the books, they were written specifically for his Doctor and now the words on the page didn't fit Tennants Doctor. Due to this being the case and Tennants Doctor being everywhere at the time I think that was why I found it hard to read them again.
Anywho these books are really quite brilliant for any avid Doctor Who fan.

Ugly Duckling Out xx

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