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Friday 18 March 2011

Feel Good Friday

I have decided to do other things then just these challenges I imagine that will be quite boring.
So what better way to kick it off then Feel Good Friday.

each week on a friday I will find a good news stor, charity, cause or something that is a feel good story to make people smile. As it's Red Nose Day today I've decided to focus on that so for the first feel good friday here it is:

Red Nose Day or Comic Relief.

red nose day first began in 1988, it's a charity and was founded by script writer Richard Curtis and Alexander Mendis in response to the famine in Ethiopia. Comic Relief like Children In Need is supported by the BBC and relies on the sales of merchandise and the general public raising money to fund it. Every two year Comic Relief is held and they release charity singles usually a comedy Single and a Pop single to help riase money.

So what does your moeny go on, the money goes to many charities across the UK and over sees, here in the UK it supports charities that help with Mental Health, the elderly, young people, people who have been the subjects of domestic and sexual abuse, and many organisations around the world fighting malaria and trying to help in education.

Everyone should support Red Nose Day even if you only put 50p in a Red Nose Day tin it all helps, it helps not only the people suffering but those around them, it allows carers of someone with mental health, dementia, disabillities and long term illnesses be able to take a break from the stresses of life just for one day.

It's still not to late to get involved though Red Nose Day is on BBC one tonight from half 7 and you can donate via the website or text, you can buy special Red Nose Day t-shirts in TKMaxx that are really quite cool I personally have a Queenie from Black Adder one. You can pick up Red Noses from sainsburys to.

from 1p to 100pounds every penny counts, so join in even if you just watch 5 minutes of the show tonight the money really helps.

So yeah thats my First Feel Good Friday cause. anyone who donates should feel very proud of themselves because in turn your heklping someone else. Thats not to say if you don't donate you can't still be involved and show your support like I said even just tuning in for 5 minutes is good.

Heres the website should you want to donate or get involved...

Ugly duckling Out xx

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