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Monday 18 April 2011

Weight..... It's a funny word.

Weight, I hate that word along with dress sizes, skinny, fat, obese, anorexia.
Some people are naturally fat some naturally thin. Who wrote the guidelines for what the ideal weight is?
Probably some doctor hauld up in a room somewhere.

Today in our culture were obsessed with weight, with eating and unhealthy earting, were obsessed with how we look.
I disgust myself, not because I'm fat or overweight whatever you want to call it but because I sometimes picture myself as this slim supermodel, it's depressing that image and makes me feel disgusting the image of the skinny girl makes me a little sick, a skinny me for who? The people who look at me? would it make me feel any better? the answer is no. It's the vainnes that makes me feel sick I should add, not the thought of me as I am.
I don't want the attention of males, I don't want people looking at me and thinking wow, I'm a curvy girl (size 16) and proud of it, sure when some people look at me they might see a beautiful girl, but most won't, most people will have to speak to me before they judge me, I'd rather someone fall in love with my personality then my looks. Spoken like a true fat girl you say. NO!
Spoken like a true wierd looking kid. I don't want to be beautiful and glamourous which would be the only reason for loosing weight.

I know I know the health, the health thing. To be fair I've got a pretty throwaway attitude to my life. I'm an insignificant dot in a vast universe. I figure we just live it. Thats life shit happens, if I die young I wanna die fast, If I die old a grey so be it, come what may. People say life is worth fighting for. I don't know if it is though, I mean really life doesn't change that much after certain experiences it does for a while and falls back into the same patterns. Same epic fails and smae epic highs. It's just a rollercoaster. When your times up your times up. People will tell me I'm wrong and blah blah blah it's my life at the end of the day, I live it day to day, I'm not crazy I don't take drugs go out drinking all the time or go thrill seeking I just live my life how I live it.  I'm sorry if it sounds selfish, I'm not a selfish person, but life is the one thing that is truthfully ours to do what we want with, in a matter of minutes I could end all of it. Or carry on.

I know that health is a big issue and what not and I'm not telling people not to be healthy. I'm just saying that people should be comfortable in their own skin, if we all looked the same the world would be a place rather like a scene from equilibreum. I believe that everyone should be comfortable in their own skin.
Fat, thin, tall, short, gay, straight, black or white. Be healthy but be happy. If you are happier as a size 16 be a size 16 if your happier as a 12 go to a 12.

My point is everyone should be happy in their own skin and if you are happy in your own skin then don't let other people try to change you or bring you down. It's your life live it the way you want. :)

Ugly duckling Out xxx

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